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Spectacular Summer Book Sale

May 25, 2023
Time to read:

The Friends of the Case Memorial Library will host a Community Book Sale from 10:00am–3:00pm on Saturday, June 24, in the Library Basement “Bookstore”.  Sales are cash or check, no credit cards.

Books in all genres are offered at bargain prices, $2.00 for soft cover and $3.00 for hard cover.  Some books may be higher priced.  Popular “Last Call” books have been restocked and are up for grabs at 25 cents and 50 cents.  Children’s books are a real deal at a 50% discount, plus teachers receive an additional discount at checkout.  CDs and DVDs may be snapped up at 25 cents each.

Mark your calendar for June 24 to come browse the books shelves and fill your tote bags with reading for the whole family at bargain basement prices.

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