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Orange Community Women Offers Unique Holiday Gifts

December 14, 2023
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Looking for a gift for that special someone who loves Orange?  Well, look no further!  Orange Community Women has a limited number of beautiful mugs featuring the town seal for sale right now.

The mugs are handcrafted by expert pottery artisans, using a ceramic scrimshaw process for precision detail and high-end quality.  They feature a medallion picturing the Orange plowman and his team of oxen, symbolizing our town.  These custom-crafted mugs are one of a kind, meaning that no two are exactly alike, and each one is beautifully unique.  They are being sold for $20 each.

Orange Community Women is a chapter of Connecticut Junior Women, Inc.  We unite the women of Orange and surrounding areas by participating in community service and providing enrichment, leadership and social interaction.  Our projects include scholarships to Amity students, donations to the library, fire department, youth services, Food2Kids and Orange Community Services, collecting for veterans, working with the Tracy Bunch (sponsored by Orange Community Services) and the seniors at Silverbrook and yearly family-friendly community shows.  Orange Community Women welcomes new members.  Meetings are held on the 4th Wednesday of every month at High Plains Community Center.

Please contact Orange Community Women at to purchase one of these very special mugs and arrange to have it delivered to you.  Visit us on Facebook at community women/ for more information and color pictures of the mugs.

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