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Monthly Young Families Program at Temple Beth Sholom

July 2, 2024
Time to read:
The temple beth sholoh logo on a blue background

Temple Beth Sholom in Hamden offers ongoing programs for families with young children to start a lifelong relationship with Judaism. Current members and those seeking a connection to a Jewish community are invited to share and explore these Jewish experiences together.

Join us once a month from 9:45-11:00am for a craft, stories, and Yoga Yeladim with Sherri Sosensky, Kidding Around Yoga - Certified & Licensed KAY Instructor. Every month has a different theme! See upcoming dates and themes below:

  • Sunday, March 19, 2023 (Passover)
  • Sunday, April 23, 2023 (Israel)
  • Sunday May 7, 2023 (Tikkun Olam/Repairing the World)

This program is free and open to non-members. Please pre-register at:

About Temple Beth Sholom

Temple Beth Sholom is an egalitarian conservative synagogue with over 350 member families and singles from the Greater New Haven community.

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