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Holy Infant Church Guild Tea

August 31, 2023
Time to read:

The Holy Infant Church Women’s Guild is having their annual membership tea on Sunday, September 10th from 2 - 4 pm.  It will be held in the Women’s Guild Hall at 450 Racebrook Road.  Membership for the Guild is $15.00.  To RSVP for the tea, call (203)430-5253 by September 5th.  Again, this year we are hoping that you’ll bring your favorite tea cup and saucer or mug with you to the tea.  Last year it was fun to see the wide variety of beautiful cups.  We are also, as in the past, asking members who enjoy baking to please bring a plate of goodies to this event.  If you are able to bake, please contact Karen Barrett at (203)799-2240 to let her know.

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