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Superintendent’s Awards

July 2, 2024
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A group of people standing next to each other holding plaques

This year’s Orange Public Schools Grade 6 recipients of the South Central Area Superintendents' Association (SCASA) Awards are pictured with their principals and their superintendent, Dr. Vince Scarpetti at a banquet held on April 28, 2023. From left to right and in the back row: Dr. Denise Arterbery (Principal of Turkey Hill School), Mrs. Tricia Lasto (Principal of Peck Place School), Mark Audie, Dr. Vince Scarpetti, Sabrina Feliconio, Annabella Liptak, and Mrs. Kathy McNeil (Principal of Race Brook School). In the front row: Emily Frazier, Barrett Gagnon, and Josephine Yun.

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