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Letter: Time To Put the Friendship Back in Amity

April 6, 2023
Time to read:

On May 2nd, the BOW will hold our annual referendum to approve the proposed Amity Regional School District budget for the 2023-2024 school year.  While this topic has caused some local contention in the recent past, I would like to share my perspective as a former educator and principal of Amity Regional High School, as well as a current very proud parent.

The Amity Regional School District is a place where amazing students have the opportunity to learn from passionate, engaged educators to prepare themselves for their lives ahead.  The proof is in the pudding.  In the past 20 years, Amity has, among its alumni, the first female Army Ranger, a current NPR international correspondent, a 2012 Olympic bronze swimming medalist, a Hasbro spotlighted inventor, entrepreneurs, teachers, doctors, entertainers, social influencers and numerous others who have left Amity with the skills necessary to lead successful lives and productively contribute to society.

Many of these alumni return to the BOW to establish themselves and raise their families.  In fact, multiple members of our Board of Education are Amity graduates who have children currently enrolled in Amity or in one of the elementary districts; many current Amity teachers are graduates of Amity.

Whether you used to have kids in the Amity schools, currently have children who attend, or have never had children attend Amity, you have benefited from what the district offers.  You may have been one of the thousands of community members who saw Amity Creative Theater’s rendition of Beauty and the Beast in March.  Perhaps you have been one of the many professionals who has hosted an Amity senior during the annual unpaid experiential learning sessions every spring where they explore the working world, with many choosing to work in schools and businesses within our town.  These are only a couple examples of the ways in which the Amity Regional School District benefits each citizen.

For years, some town leaders and constituents have cast doubt on the Amity administration, and even the educators who work so hard for our children.  Knowing what I know from my 22 years serving the district, it breaks my heart to hear their efforts and motivations called into question.  Our educators are demoralized, they are tired, and they need us now more than ever.  Continuing the discord will not benefit our community in the end.  It is our responsibility as citizens, parents, and neighbors to work together, to support the systems that are the foundational aspects of our towns to not only benefit our community, but to set a positive example for our children and our future leaders.

It’s time to work together to show our educators and our educational leaders that we are here for them.  Amity means friendship; let’s start to show everyone what Amity really can be.  It’s time to take a stand to support our children, our educators, and our town - I hope you’ll join me and the many other members of our community who value our public education system by voting Yes for Amity on May 2nd.

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