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International Food and Cultural Festival

July 2, 2024
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A poster for the international food and culture festival

Join us and be part of this unforgettable culinary experience! We are excited to invite you to be a part of the highly anticipated International Food and Cultural Festival on August 5, 2023. This annual event, organized by Arts in CT, celebrates the diverse cultures, cuisines, and traditions from around the world, providing an excellent opportunity for you to showcase your culinary expertise to a multicultural audience. The festival will be held from 10 am to 3 pm at 351 McKinley Ave, New Haven, CT, and promises to attract hundreds of attendees from different neighborhoods across Connecticut. As a food vendor, you will have the chance to engage with a diverse audience and create a memorable culinary experience. By participating in the festival, you will receive prominent exposure through various marketing channels. Your delicious dishes will be savored by attendees, and your brand will be featured on event banners, flyers, and official merchandise. This is an opportunity to generate sales and gain valuable recognition. To confirm your participation or discuss further details, please contact Barbara Alexander at (203) 936-8567 or email We are eager to work together and create a vibrant, multicultural event that will be cherished by all. Don't miss this opportunity. Join and showcase your expertise!

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